
Eco workshop in Tenerife

Students in Tenerife worked in groups researching on 4 topics:

Water resources management
Invasive species
Waste management
Soil degradation and recovery
They had to present their posters. 


I'll tell you, though I shouldn't ...

One of our school leavers is really interested in zero waste. She had organised many workshops to draw their schoolmates' attention on how to lead a zero waste life.

Here is an article on her thoughts:

website article

Planting around the school in Poland


Eco club activities in Poland


Pupils from Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 3 im. Jana Pawła II in  Rybnik (Poland) decided that it was necessary to make the school's surroundings more environmentally friendly. To achieve this, the older children cleaned up the nearby forest, while the younger children made seed balls, which grew into beautiful, colourful flowers, which are visible from school windows. 

Earth Day in Poland


Eco workshop in Tenerife

S tudents in Tenerife worked in groups researching on 4 topics: Water resources management Invasive species Waste management Soil degradatio...